restaurants in Camiguin

Why are wellness retreats essential?

Why are wellness retreats essential?

Whether you choose to embark on a wellness retreat for renewal or are looking for physical or spiritual cleansing, Bintana Sa Paraiso provides wellness packages that cater to your needs. Our wellness resort offers a range of wellness programs specially curated for you including weight loss, detox, stress relief, and sleep well packages so that you can return home as a whole new person with fresh motivation. We understand that each guest's health journey is different and that their wellness retreat should, too. That is why our wellness retreats provide customized wellness packages based on what each guest needs.

Healthy Habits for Wellness: How it Improves your Diet?

Eating healthy food right now has become a hype more than a healthy practice. We have absorbed a lot of influences from social media and media itself on which food to eat, where you can find it, and even how you can prepare it. While the food industry has been booming despite economic setbacks, it is also notable that the evolution of nutritious food is quite impressive.

People are now more aware of which food is healthy and which food has less nutrition because of the influences we get from what we watch from Korean Drama and other western movies. But are we really getting the right dietary nutrition from the food we are eating? Are we really getting the right nourishment from the food we buy from the supermarket?

When you go on vacation, do you prefer to bring snacks and order some meals from the fast-food chain or would you rather have your meals freshly prepared in the hotel or resort you are staying in?

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In this blog, you will find out how eating healthy foods and keeping healthy habits will help you improve your diet and what are the basic food you need to remember to keep your diet healthy and balanced.

What do we really mean when we say “healthy diet”?

A healthy diet protects you against many chronic non-communicable diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Eating a variety of foods and consuming less salt, sugars, and saturated and industrially-produced trans-fats, are essential for a healthy diet, according to the World Health Organization.

What are the benefits you get from eating healthy meals and keeping healthy habits?

  1. Eating healthily controls your weight. Eating right and exercising regularly can help you avoid excess weight gain and maintain a healthy weight. The key to successful weight loss is developing a healthy diet and exercise habits. Diet just means eating healthy, lower-calorie meals. Exercise means being more physically active.

  2. Keeps your heart healthy. High-fiber foods are crucial for keeping your heart healthy.  Avoid eating too much fatty food. The medical community has long recognized the link between trans fats and heart-related illnesses, such as coronary heart disease.

  3. Eating healthily improves your mood. Some evidence suggests a close relationship between diet and mood. In a study that was released in 2016, researchers found that diets with a high glycemic load may trigger increased symptoms of depression and fatigue. A diet with a high glycemic load includes many refined carbohydrates, such as those found in soft drinks, cakes, white bread, and biscuits while vegetables, whole fruit, and whole grains have a lower glycemic load. 

  4. It improves your memory. A healthful diet may help maintain cognition and brain health. A 2015 study identified nutrients and foods that protect against cognitive decline and dementia. The researchers found that foods rich in vitamins D, C, E, omega-3 fatty acids, flavonoids, and polyphenols, fish are beneficial to our body to improve our memory.

  5. Eating healthy reduces the risk of cancer. Eating foods that contain antioxidants can reduce a person’s risk of developing cancer by protecting cells from damage. The presence of free radicals in the body increases the risk of cancer, but antioxidants help remove them to lower the likelihood of this disease.

  6. Get a night of restful sleep. Sleep apnea occurs when the airways repeatedly become blocked during sleep. Risk factors include obesity, drinking alcohol, and eating an unhealthful diet. Reducing alcohol, caffeine intake and changing your eating habit can help you gain restful sleep, whether you have sleep apnea or not.

  7. Keeps your bones and teeth healthy. A diet with adequate calcium and magnesium is important for strong bones and teeth. Keeping the bones healthy can minimize the risk of bone issues later in life, such as osteoporosis. Magnesium is abundant in many foods, and some of the best sources include leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.

  8. Keeps you from having diabetes. A healthy diet can help you, or a person with diabetes to manage their blood glucose level. It is imperative that people with diabetes will limit their intake of foods with added or excessive salt and sugar. Water is the absolute best to quench your thirst, skip the sugary drinks and go easy on the milk and juice.

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Eating fruits and vegetables is the main source of a healthy diet. A well-balanced diet provides all of the energy you need to keep active throughout the day. It also provides nutrients you need for growth and repair, helping you to stay strong and healthy and help to prevent diet-related illnesses, such as some cancers.

Now that you know the benefits of maintaining a healthy diet and keeping a healthy lifestyle, always bear in mind that:

  1. You don’t need too much sugar.

  2. You need more fiber.

  3. You need to regulate your carbohydrates and balance your proteins.

  4. You need to drink more water.

  5. Your body needs exercise.

That simple! So next time you will eat at the restaurant or when you go on vacation, always consider the healthy foods that the hotels or resorts are serving you. There is nothing wrong to be particular about the nutrition that you are getting from the food you are eating.

In Bintana Sa Paraiso, we guarantee you that we serve the best and nutritious meals to our guests to make sure that our guests get the right nutrition and best experience while staying in your hotel and resort. You can book your reservations through our website to experience not only the best view in Camiguin but also the best meals we offer!